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The Wonderful World Of Elizabeth LaPrade
Back in April of this year, I learned that my Mom, Mary Laprade, had been diagnosed with an aggressive t-cell lymphoma; and a rare one at that. Even though I was 3000 miles away on the West Coast and she was on the East Coast in Massachusetts, there was no doubt in my mind where I needed to be - … [Read more...]
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Look into the eyes of pure love and joy The other day I asked Monty and Pebbles (Monty upper photo) what their philosophy on a great life was. They answered quickly without giving it a second thought: "We are simply out of our minds with joy!" What a great way to be, don't you think? And they truly … [Read more...]
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I looked and I saw it and I caught it: my out of control ego mind. I'm getting better and better at it, but like for many of us (actually, if you are human you fall into this category), it is often work to not get caught up in the complaints and woes of the ego. We do it so easily, don't we? It's … [Read more...]
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Yes you do. You've got the power to choose: Sadness or joy. Fear or trust. Drama or ease. Pain or pleasure. Limitation or freedom. Dare to use your power to choose. It is ALWAYS up to us what we choose to focus on, expand, and bring into our lives. This is probably something you have heard before. … [Read more...]
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Something new; an exciting change; a complete alteration of the old. Refreshing, enlivening, uplifting. But with all of that excitement can come something else that we don't fully expect. We can get blind-sided. Often what joins us on our transformational ride are feelings of loss and grief for what … [Read more...]
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Quite the heavy question, don't you think? I was quite surprised to hear the rock group Nickelback posing it to me. It's so interesting where profundity lies... So I thought about it. Have you? One of my favorite questions in the song is "Would you let anything get in your way?". We do that, you … [Read more...]
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Back on December 30, 2008 I introduced you to one of my heroes, Miss Pebbles LaPrade. Today I am excited for you to meet another one of my heroes: Mr. Monty LaPrade. Monty is my hero because he sees the good in everything. The good in a biscuit, the good in a rainy day, the good in the … [Read more...]
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The power of fear... It's pretty impressive. It can send us into a downward spiral or corrupt the most peaceful moment. But it can be our secret friend that pushes us to heights we never thought possible; pushing us to fully dance with life. Many of us spend our time and our lives in distrust, … [Read more...]
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Introducing Miss Pebbles LaPrade. My friend, my furry kid, my hero. Pebbles has always had a tongue that is just too big to fit all the way in her mouth. So, unwittingly, she has set herself up for people to laugh and point at her saying, "Look at her tongue!" But does she care? Heck no! (She … [Read more...]
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I lead a very full life as a web design company owner, clinical hypnotherapist, writer, healer, sports fan, actress, animal lover, life changer, and lover of all that is Life. Presently hanging out In Easthampton, MA! - Read More.
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