
The Discovery Of Your Personal Alchemy: Avenue #1

What we see with our physical eyes is such a small fraction of what is present for us. There is a whole other world of multidimensional existence that we forget about. Our own magic lies in the connections we have to those other dimensions. And it is not really about re-connection but about simple … [Read more...]

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Live Like You Were Dying

I looked and I saw it and I caught it: my out of control ego mind. I'm getting better and better at it, but like for many of us (actually, if you are human you fall into this category), it is often work to not get caught up in the complaints and woes of the ego. We do it so easily, don't we? It's … [Read more...]

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Are You Just Gonna Let Some Bully Stand In Your Way?

Did you know that we are all innately great multitaskers? It certainly is apparent to me, as I can be feeding my dogs, listening to the radio, talking to a friend, and while all this is  going on, I can be listening to and hearing clearly that little voice in my head telling me all kinds of stuff.  … [Read more...]

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Just bet it all…

It appeared to be just another game of evening fun with my family and an innocent game of Texas hold 'em.  Little did I know that as my nephew dealt the cards,  enlightenment was waiting for me just around the corner. I looked at my measly pile of chips.  An odd sight as I was used to seeing  … [Read more...]

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