
What if today was your last day?

Quite the heavy question, don't you think? I was quite surprised to hear the rock group Nickelback posing it to me. It's so interesting where profundity lies... So I thought about it. Have you? One of my favorite questions in the song is "Would you let anything get in your way?". We do that, you … [Read more...]

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Merlin Is Me and I Am Merlin

Thought does create. What we think about does show up in our lives. I always believed that. Always knew that thought is powerful and that the Universe is grand and magic happens. But it never hurts to have proof. I now have that proof. I am a wizard. Last night I was out for a stroll in a lovely … [Read more...]

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The magic unfolds…

Have you ever stepped into a space that just took your breath away? A place that just stopped you dead in your tracks as you caught your breath? That's what has just happened here as I type my first dialogue on this sacred ground. And shouldn't our words always be sheltered in sacredness? Too often … [Read more...]

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