
7 Steps To Reconnect With Your Inner Magic

Feeling lackluster? Out of touch? Not present in your life? Perhaps you have forgotten about your inner magician; your wizardry; your inner magic. Want to be able to pick the fruit from your own Magic Garden? This magic of yours, your personal alchemy, is simply a breath, a thought, a remembrance … [Read more...]

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The Discovery Of Your Personal Alchemy: Avenue #1

What we see with our physical eyes is such a small fraction of what is present for us. There is a whole other world of multidimensional existence that we forget about. Our own magic lies in the connections we have to those other dimensions. And it is not really about re-connection but about simple … [Read more...]

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The Discovery Of Your Personal Alchemy: Avenue #2

"We are all wizards. Breathe in this glorious fact. Feel it. Know it. The magic is there all around you. Just when you least expect it you will see a beautiful wand in your hand and your desires and dreams will have materialized at your feet. Merlin is all of us and we are all Merlin." I wrote … [Read more...]

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Meet A Magician

Meet Mike Dooley. I just met him for the first time today when a friend of mine shared his website. Perhaps you know him and have seen him and this video. If you haven't, you are in for a treat. If you have, how lucky are you to have the opportunity again!  He is a bestselling author with the book … [Read more...]

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