
The Discovery Of Your Personal Alchemy: Avenue #1

What we see with our physical eyes is such a small fraction of what is present for us. There is a whole other world of multidimensional existence that we forget about. Our own magic lies in the connections we have to those other dimensions. And it is not really about re-connection but about simple … [Read more...]

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The Discovery Of Your Personal Alchemy: Avenue #2

"We are all wizards. Breathe in this glorious fact. Feel it. Know it. The magic is there all around you. Just when you least expect it you will see a beautiful wand in your hand and your desires and dreams will have materialized at your feet. Merlin is all of us and we are all Merlin." I wrote … [Read more...]

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The Discovery Of Your Personal Alchemy: Avenue #3

What does it mean to be connected with your magic? Have you ever had a day where everything just seemed to fall into place--you felt yourself flowing with life, everyone you met was happy, you got your favorite parking spot at work, your relationships flowed, and you said all of the right things? … [Read more...]

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The Discovery of Your Personal Alchemy: Avenue #4

How often do you find yourself insisting on a very specific outcome to a desire you have? I must confess, I myself have been in insistent-mode a bit too often in my life. This means then that I am resisting and not accepting where I am in that moment. I have come to realize that all of that … [Read more...]

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The Discovery of Your Personal Alchemy: Avenue #5

If you have been engaging in my 7 Avenues to Discovering Your Personal Alchemy, you may be beginning to see a common thread: glorious Magic already exists within you. It has just been forgotten or covered up with other "stuff" over the eons. Each technique I am sharing simply helps you to clear away … [Read more...]

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The Discovery Of Your Personal Alchemy: #6

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you  ~James Allen I must say that I certainly agree with Mr. Allen. Your thoughts are the first step in creating the life that you want; the first step in awakening and then using your Magic. Did … [Read more...]

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The Discovery of Your Personal Alchemy: #7

As I have been saying, discovering your inner magic is not about creating your inner Magic. On the contrary, you are loaded to the gills with Magic. It is about REDISCOVERING your inner magic. You have simply forgotten that you have this vast storehouse, this amazing bag of tricks. So here I present … [Read more...]

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Merlin Is Me and I Am Merlin

Thought does create. What we think about does show up in our lives. I always believed that. Always knew that thought is powerful and that the Universe is grand and magic happens. But it never hurts to have proof. I now have that proof. I am a wizard. Last night I was out for a stroll in a lovely … [Read more...]

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The magic unfolds…

Have you ever stepped into a space that just took your breath away? A place that just stopped you dead in your tracks as you caught your breath? That's what has just happened here as I type my first dialogue on this sacred ground. And shouldn't our words always be sheltered in sacredness? Too often … [Read more...]

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