
We Are Simply Out Of Our Minds With Joy!

Look into the eyes of pure love and joy The other day I asked Monty and Pebbles (Monty upper photo) what their philosophy on a great life was. They answered quickly without giving it a second thought: "We are simply out of our minds with joy!" What a great way to be, don't you think? And they truly … [Read more...]

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The Discovery Of Your Personal Alchemy: Avenue #3

What does it mean to be connected with your magic? Have you ever had a day where everything just seemed to fall into place--you felt yourself flowing with life, everyone you met was happy, you got your favorite parking spot at work, your relationships flowed, and you said all of the right things? … [Read more...]

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The Discovery of Your Personal Alchemy: #7

As I have been saying, discovering your inner magic is not about creating your inner Magic. On the contrary, you are loaded to the gills with Magic. It is about REDISCOVERING your inner magic. You have simply forgotten that you have this vast storehouse, this amazing bag of tricks. So here I present … [Read more...]

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The Peacemakers

Most of us have seen "The Miss America Beauty Pageant" and have heard the classic contestant desire "My wish is for world peace".  Sounds pretty hokey and impossible to most, but there are many out there that are working to take baby steps in that direction. Below I share a couple of examples of … [Read more...]

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The Glorious Melodies Of Life

Years ago I worked as a department manager at a Target store in south central Jersey. I must admit that I just flat out hated it. And one of the things that bothered me the most was the fact that there wasn't (and still isn't) any piped-in music in ANY Target store.  The result of some silly survey … [Read more...]

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