I was just sitting down to work this morning and ran across an article and video that I just HAD to share with you. The video gives a whole new meaning to inspiration. It’s about a remarkable man named Nick Vujicic. He was born with a rare disorder called tetra-amelia syndrome. He has no arms or legs. And guess what: He is happy! Not putting on airs, but genuinely, deep-down happy! He says that his childhood was very rough, but he eventually overcame his tremendous adversity through faith and a deep summoning up of an indescribable strength.
He has a small foot coming off his left side (which he calls his “little chicken leg”). When he was 13 he hurt that little foot and as a 13 year old, here was his remarkable conclusion:
I need to be more thankful for my abilities and less focused on my disabilities.
He is a motivational speaker now who speaks, especially to children and teens, sharing a most beautiful and inspiring message:
Dream big my friend and never give up. We all make mistakes, but none of us are mistakes. Take one day at a time. Embrace the positive attitudes, perspectives, principles and truths I share, and you too will overcome.
There is no way that any amount of words can express the profoundness and inspiration of this young man, so I am sharing two of his videos with you. Please pass them along in anyway that you can. His message can change the life of someone in an instant.
Please visit his site too at attitudeisaltitude . He is clearly unstoppable and a blessing to us all.
My intention is to take his message within and apply it to my life whenever I can. He is proof that happiness is just a state of mind. And we can all change our minds in an instant.
Change your mind and just be happy. If he can do it, we all can!
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